Simpson Primary School was officially opened in 1972, and the school’s 2024 enrolment is currently fifty-six students, catered for in three classes.
The school provides a comprehensive curriculum with a strong focus on daily instruction for literacy and numeracy which is further supported by inquiry learning units. Instruction is based around high impact teaching strategies including the use of Learning Intentions, Success Criteria, Quality of Task and Feedback. Our program follows the Victorian Curriculum and includes specialist teaching for Science, Physical Education, Art, Library, and Auslan. Curriculum initiatives include the Sounds Write program, VCOP writing process, daily P-6 Literacy & Numeracy, and Buddies Program.
A comprehensive transition program runs from Kinder through the school and beyond into Year 7, with staff consulting with key ensure the best opportunities for information exchange are established and maintained. The student wellbeing program is based on the School-Wide Positive Behaviours program and the explicit teaching of the school values. School connectedness is central to the development of cultural conditions that value all and ensures a sense of 'village' here at the school.
We are an 'Asthma Friendly’, ‘Sun Smart' and an 'e-Smart' accredited school. Community partnerships are highly valued by the school. There is a strong sense of community ownership of the school, with parents taking great pride in the school's facilities, supporting fundraising, helping in classrooms and with camps and excursions.
Partnerships with the Simpson Lion's Club, Community Centre, Men's Shed, local businesses, and Timboon & District Healthcare services provide a wide variety of health and welfare programs. A joint venture between Simpson Primary School and the Corangamite Shire has resulted in a community Kindergarten and Early Childhood Hub.
ln addition to the comprehensive classroom programs offered in Literacy and Numeracy, an inquiry-based curriculum program is used to address all the other key learning areas. General capabilities and interdisciplinary learning are further supported by a range of urban and outdoor education camps and excursions. The school is an active participant in district sporting competitions and private music tuition is facilitated by the school. Leadership roles exist throughout the school ranging from House Captains, student leaders and Junior School Council members.