Principal's Welcome

At Simpson Primary School all students are provided the opportunity and encouragement to achieve their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. We hold high expectations for all members of our learning community and value learning together. Our staff strive towards engaging our students in an education that is relevant to the twenty-first century. Our school is striving to develop a culture that provides quality learning opportunities with a focus on ensuring that all members of the school community develop as the best version of themselves possible.

Our motto of "Enriching Learning Through Opportunity" guides our daily core business, along with our values:

Co-operation, Accepting, Respectful, and Excellence.

Our School Values
Co-operation We show co-operation
Accepting We are accepting
Respectful We are respectful
Excellence We show excellence

We are a little school with a big heart, supporting our students to become active participants in their learning. At Simpson Primary School, every student is valued and nurtured, focusing on the growth of the whole child in all aspects of their learning journey. Our students are happy and connected to our school. As they move into secondary schooling, they go with the passion, skills, and strategies to thrive as lifelong learners and contributors to society.


Our focus is very much on:

  • consistent and accountable approaches to assessment processes and instructional practices across the school to ensure learning is maximised for every student
  • enabling our students to become active participants in their learning where they co-create and monitor their learning goals for future success.
  • strengthening school and community partnerships that promote high expectations for student achievement and behaviour

We are excited about taking your child on the Simpson Primary School journey.

Melissa Berry - Principal