Assemblies are held fortnightly and are ran by the 4/5/6 students. Assemblies are a way of celebrating student's acheivements both in and out of the classroom. Student's have the opportunity to be recognised for their efforts in the classroom and in the yard with the presentation of our C.A.R.E. awards by the teachers, as well as staff around the school. These are held in the Prep-3 end of the school. For more information, times and dates, please contact the front office or refer to the monthly newsletter.
8:45am - Students can arrive at school
8:53am - Music to signify students to head to class.
8:55am - 1st session commences
9:00am - 2nd session commences
10:55am - Recess commences
11:25am - 3rd session commences
12:00pm - 4th session commences
1:25pm - Lunch begins (supervised eating)
1:35pm - Lunch play begins
2:15pm - 5th sessions commences
3:15pm - End of school day, buses arrive.
*Staff are on duty until buses leave and all students are collected.
Breakfast Club is held weekly in the Art Room on a Monday from 8:45am till 9:15am. This program gives students the opportunity to have breakfast before class, with a choice of cereal, toast, fruit and milk.
This is run by parent/guardian helpers, if you would like to get involved please contact the office.
Compass is Simpson Primary School's main form of communication with parents and guardians. It is where parents & guardians can find announcements from staff and teachers, student's schedules, add attendance notes, view reports, book 'Parent Student Teacher' interviews and order school photos.
Students are allocated into house teams at the beginning of their schooling at Simpson Primary School. These house teams are used for athletic, swimming and cross country days for students to represent their houses when competing. These houses are Coridijal,...
For families at the school, they will be allocated all into the same house team.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are available every day from the Settlement Supermarket and are collected first thing in themorning. The current 2024 lunch order list can be found by clicking on the link below.
Simpson Primary School's newsletter is published monthly, with messages from the principal, classroom and specialist teachers, as well as important dates and information for students and parents. These newsletters can be found on the website (on the 'Hompage' or under the 'Parents' tab), on Compass or a hardcopy version can be requested from the front office.
Parents Club are always looking for new members to join. If you would like to learn more or join, please contactthe front office for more information.
All parents or visitors who are coming into the school for more than 10 minutes are required to sign in. You will need to sign in and out of the visitor register at the office. This allows us to account for you in the event of an emergency.
School term dates for 2024 can be found below, or alternatively on the Victorian Government website by clicking on the link here: TERM & HOLIDAY DATES 2024
School term dates for 2025 and following years can also be found on this website.
Public Holiday dates for the 2024 school year are found below:
Public Holiday Dates for Victoria
Simpson Primary School is a 'SunSmart' school. The Sun Protection policy can be found under the 'Policies' tab.
Hats are to be worn by students in Term 1 and Term 4, so please ensure your child has a broad brimmed hat (named) available every day. Those students without a hat must remain under cover, for the duration of recess and lunchtime. If your child requires a new hat, they can be purchased through the front office, costing $17.50.
We ask that you ensure your child is in uniform each day to continue the high standards we set forour School. The uniform policy can be found under the 'Policies' tab.
Please see attached the Uniform Order List for 2023/2024. This form can also be found as a hard copy at the front office. Once completed, forms are to be emailed to the school ( ) or returned to the front office to place the order.
Parents & guardians are asked to ensure that student's clothing is clearly named. If you have second-hand clothes, please check that the name has been changed. If clothes are correctly named, we have some hope of returning items to the correct owners. All lost property of students will be stored at the front office where there are currently quite a few items.