Medical Alert Information

Listed below are the forms parents need to complete to keep the school informed of medical conditions. Please click on the link to download, complete the forms and return to the school. Alternatively, these forms can be collected from the school or a medical practitioner. 



Asthma Action Plan

Parents or carers must provide the school with an Asthma Action Plan completed by the student’s medical practitioner. The plan must outline the student's known triggers and the emergency procedures to be taken in the event of an asthma flare-up or attack.

Allergic Reactions Action Plan

Students with a mild or moderate allergy to a food or insect and those with medication allergy should have a Green Plan that has been completed by the student’s medical practitioner. This plan is provided to people with allergies who have not been prescribed an adrenaline injector. 


Anaphylaxis General Action Plan

The general version of this plan is for people with allergies who have been prescribed either brand of adrenaline injector devices. Device specific versions are available below.


Anaphylaxis Anapen Action Plan

Anaphylaxis EpiPen Action Plan